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Kidney stone problem is quite common these days, and two individuals among ten are suffering from it. Different reasons are there which contribute to a kidney stone. But among all of them, consuming those foods which act as the initiator of kidney stones are the common ones. These food items include rice, tomato, and others. Individuals usually approach the Best Urologist in Jaipur to ask for treatment. If you are facing a kidney stone problem and want to get rid of it as soon as possible, just consider the treatment we are providing below.
If you have a small kidney stone, it is a suggestion, drink plenty of water. Doctors suggest individuals have almost 4 to 5 Liters of water in a day if they are suffering from kidney stones. During urination, these stones will pass out, and you will feel comfortable. Meet Urology Doctor soon.
Doctors provide some pain relievers as well because these stones in the kidney contribute to discomfort. If the same is happening, ask the doctor for a pain reliever and for those things that can help you to get rid of it. Urology Specialist will check you. Liquids are highly considered for treating kidney stones of smaller size.
If nothing is working in your fever, doctors will suggest some medications as well. In certain cases, they suggest those medicines which initiate the urge to go for urination. When you are going for urination, frequently, the chances of vanishing the kidney stones are high. Display the means there is no need to go for any surgical procedure for removing smaller stones from the kidney. Urologist solve all problems.
Surgery is the ultimate solution for large stones and having serious symptoms. These stones are not removable through any liquid or other medication. At that moment, the need for surgery arises.
When approaching kidney stone specialist in Jaipur, they use sound waves to break up the stones as well. It depends on the size and location. Doctors primarily suggest extracorporeal shock wave Lithotripsy. These are responsible for creating strong vibrations which break all the stores. The procedure lasts for almost 60 minutes, and only moderate pain is there. Urology problems are very common.
Parathyroid gland surgery is the treatment in the case of calcium phosphate stone. Sometimes the parathyroid glands become overactive and produce too much parathyroid hormone, which increases the calcium level, and kidney stone formation takes place.
These are the best treatments for kidney stones. Approach the doctor timely so that it will be easy for you to get rid of it as soon as possible.
Dr. Dushiant Sharma is at the front line of a select number of kidney stone doctors in Panchkula who provide tender nurture and a unique knowledge that deals with kidney stone issues faced by patients. Through his ‘to the highest quality’ principles and maintaining patients’ high spirit, the good doctor guarantees the best outcomes which lead to better wellbeing for his patients.